Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Do You Have a New Blog or Website?

If you have a fairly new Blog or Website and are wondering were all the visitor traffic is, you probably need to follow some very important steps regarding optimization so the search engines see your website. Many people think that just because they created a blog or a website that it will automatically get visitors, nothing could be further from the truth. Now before you go out and pay somebody to help you with your "SEO" or Search Engine Optimization, please go to my new website and get all the free tools, guides and tutorials you can while they are available. You will save a ton of cash and most of the basic SEO steps are easy enough to do yourself. Go to http://www.rockintheboat.us for all the free tools and resources you need to get your website noticed. - FLAME 

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

2 fires in nice places...

Hey Folks, Welcome! Please JOIN the damn Blog out of common courtesy, lazy bastards

Use the "Subscribe" widget to the right, .........other right, ................there ya go.........ok   bu bye!

Someone emailed me these last week and I have been waiting to post them. It is difficult to be patient when a Blog is new, as if you make more than 2 or 3 posts in a week, your pxxxxxg someone off. It sounds absurd but it never fails, trying to make everyone happy is for suckers. All things considered, here are my two favorite viewer submissions in the category of full-size, vented fireplaces, for the home...

First up is an aged, natural-colored, and rough-sawn wood with installed mantle. Too bad the wood used for this build was not 40 years older and a bit rougher. These lines are reminiscent of an old outdoor moonshine still, some bare, rusted, polished or wrought iron metal work accents would be a nice add-on here note chandelier). The composition of the fireplace as a whole is very nice, and was designed by an Artisan with attention to nature yet avoiding any and all risk.

I would have wrapped the mantle in the rusted hoop metal seen in the light fixture, or ran some angle iron up the slanted corner edges of the chimney. Now your talkin'! Can someone photoshop that and we can post them side by side...do a poll....give out a prize...a car maybe? See if we can get a car for about $200 or $300 on CList....

Next is one of my favorite designs and makes you want to move back to the Northside of Chicago. 
Of course the usability of this installation may be limited as it burns straight Parsons ammonia and recycled acrylic paint for fuel. No one is allowed on the premises when there is fire in the hole, says it right on the box, next to the Green sticker...
but it was worth it just for the article and photo as far as I'm concerned. 
If anyone knows where the above property is, or has another article, link or write up that includes this build, please send it to us in exchange for a prize of much lesser value. This is a great fireplace photo and worthy of some creative photoshoping... I was thinking of multiple fire chambers, each with it's own chimney, or sequential trio with varying degrees of ascending height. What?

"Please let no one deprive the main organ of therapeutic cerebral fallout and the over exaggeration of a good but undeserving memories" ~ Comment posted by a SPAM Server Intelligence Engine (spider)

~My Mormon friend with the pretty 8-ft wife~

After work one day, Tim and I were walking slowly down Belmont on the Northside, typical summer day in Chicago, hot as hell and I'm in a tight suit jacket I bought at age 12, we were both eagerly mutilating huge ice cream cones and discussing anything or anybody we came across as it takes your mind off the heat. 

Tim says to me, "you know, I hate...NO! I   a b s o l u t e l y  D E S P I S E graffiti"
"It's frigging disgusting man!"

"Really?" I said

"Yeah, ... I hate it, people think they can just be bums and run around causing property damage, ruining the property of others. They should all be in prison, maybe death row."

"Death row?" I said.

Yeah, that's right, death row...
"wow, ....hate the graffiti  eh Tim?

"Well you agree, don't you? Look at the train there, what is that?" asked Tim.

I see the L train about to depart and it is sporting a fresh "full car" piece of classic graffiti, looks like it says "SANE" .

Thats the L train Tim, and I want that entire train, AS IS in my living room." I replied.

"Dude! there's rats on that train." Said Tim

"Im sure there is Tim" I said. Then together, we watched the SANE train roll on down the tracks out of site.

Later that same year, 1999, "Banksy" sold the first  piece of street art selling for over 1.1 million US Dollars and was done on an 8 x 10 canvas with random graffiti sprayed on from aerosol cans. The peice was said to have taken about 40 minutes to create and was mostly done by "Banksy's" "support team" which consisted of a few of Banksy's coat tail surfers who were all broke and never bathed. Just the shirt on thier backs and a duffle bag full of rare South American Green Sourdough. The beauty of art, and of all things, is in the eye of the weed holder. Unless it's an eyeless  non-holding weed person. 
Anyhow, the canvas fron Banksy's crew is still a good bargain at 1.2 million and I would get it. - SH

PS - if your wondering why the story is named "My Moron Friend with the 8-ft Wife", it is because Tim, from the story, is Mormon, and he is married to a woman who is 8 feet tall, at least.

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Modern Miniature Fireplace

Stainless Steel Log Fireplace

A beautiful miniature fireplace, both contemporary (2 stainless steel logs) and natural (slate base). Besides creating a beautiful focal point for your table, it radiates warmth as well as light.

Two 7.5" 18/10 Stainless Steel oil lamps/logs
Slate base
Utilizes Liquid Paraffin Lamp Oil (not included)

This fine miniature table top fireplace is offered on the web by Generate

We Love the Flame!

Ethanol Powered Table Top Fireplace
Recently while searching the internet for a tabletop fireplace, I realized there were no websites dedicated to Flaming Devices. One hour later this BLOG was created and I began to collect every piece of information I could find in regards to Flames and the devices that create them. 

With todays gel canisters and ventless technologies, everyone can have a "Fireplace". Choices range from innovative micro-flame devices to ancient walk-in masonry fireplaces. Be sure to join this BLOG via email and you will be notified anytime I post a great new find. Thanks for your interest in the burning flame and may you experience all of the serenity it has to offer.